Saturday, August 6, 2011


Surya-namaskara  or the Sun Salutation is an important exercise which has been used for a very long time. It is been said that those, who practice regularly , are blessed with health and vitality.
The best time for practicing Surya-namaskara is the sunrise and  the sunset, when  the body is relaxed and more receptive to the subtle vibrations in the air.

  • do the exercises on an empty stomach, at least 3 hours after eating
  • clothes should be comfortable and loose
  • practice facing the east
  • practice in an airy place 
  • these exercises are for all ages
  • since it is also a spiritual process, practice with full commitment
  • you can start with 5 rings. The goal is  25 rings, which form one avrit 
This exercise will help the following problems or diseases: adenoids, colds, anemia, low or high blood pressure, difficulty in concentrating, depression, constipation, obesity, diabetes, eczema, inflammations, herpes, impotence, menopause.
In addition, you can have a skin with  healthy glow, balanced body and strong legs.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Clean your liver with beetroot juice

Fresh beetroot juice is recommended for those, who are troubled by constipation and hemorrhoids. Beetroot juice also improves the activity of the liver, kidney and bladder.
Thanks to the high iodine content of beetroot juice it is a good protection against sclerosis and significantly improves the memory.
Maximum daily dose of fresh beetroot juice is half a glass, which must be divided for 3-4 portions.

Beetroot juice may be diluted with water. The early days of drinking the juice,  your urine may become red.  When the urine color becomes normal, it is the evidence that your gut, bile ducts, liver and kidneys  are cleaned.